Why Should You See a Periodontist for Gum Disease?

Yorktown VA Periodontist Gum disease is serious for a few reasons. It can…

  • Result in tooth loss
  • Adversely affect your overall health
  • Quickly spread to other teeth
  • Be difficult to control

Right now, there is no miracle pill you can take at one time to just make gum disease go away. Neither will it heal on its own.

If you’re diagnosed with some degree of gum disease, you need to have it monitored and treated by a gum health expert, like your dentist or hygienists.

In some cases, a general dentist can oversee gum health treatment from start to finish.

But at what point is it time to visit a gum specialist?

What Is a Periodontist?

A periodontist is a dentist who specializes in treating gum tissue and other structures around the roots of teeth. He or she has 3-4 years of additional formal education in treating gum diseases.

Periodontists perform surgical procedures to correct gum problems, clean tooth roots, place dental implants, and even reconstruct the bone and gums around teeth. These are treatments which most general dentists don’t have either the time or training to do.

When to See a Gum Specialist

Your gum health may be at a point that’s beyond managing in a regular dental office. Your local dentist in yorktown, va may then recommend that you visit a specialist like a periodontist or oral surgeon for more in-depth cleaning and other therapies.

If you haven’t gotten a recommendation from your dentist but are still concerned about your gum health, it’s perfectly fine to contact a specialist yourself, without a referral.

Source: What is a Periodontist? – American Academy of Periodontology

Posted on behalf of Yorkshire Family Dentistry & Specialists